Tuesday 19 June 2018

Get your copy of the e-book- 12 Principles that makes High Flyers

We live in a world that is engrossed with de-motivating and emotional destabilizing factors. The list of these factors is endless. We are by no means exceptions to these chronic factors. However, the world is framed in such a manner that only those who have mastered the Art and Act of survival even in the worst conditions of life emerge undisputed champions. I am by no means advocating unabated mental and emotional radicalism but
in simple and smart terms, emotional intelligence, words backed up by lofty/swift action, as well as resolution in the face of daunting challenges.

No doubt, we are all victims of circumstances to a greater or lesser extent. These are all good for our survival when we realize the power in us. That is why we have so much unanswered questions in our minds. Even the best of philosophical reasoning might not resolve. Our focus and attention should be geared towards maximising to the best of our abilities, the boundless potentials inherent in us. 

In the end, the true essence of living is and should be happiness. One may wonder why some people succeed and others don’t, why some few people are rich and influential and a vast majority are poor; why some people are talented and are veterans in their calling and others are just wallowing in the doldrums of ignorance, why some third grades in school are more successful than some first class years after graduation.

They are determined by those little actions we forfeit to take, those journeys we never undertook, those trainings we never participated in, those ideas we never penned down, those relationships we never built, those statements we never made, those investments we never committed ourselves to, those benevolent and lofty virtues we never imbibed, those healthy risks we never undertook, those little services we were never devoted to.

One of the greatest competitions in life is not with others but with us. That is by developing ourselves on daily basis. Succeeding is never a difficult venture; it is realistic to only those who have mastered the Art and Act of survival. This book (12 Principles that makes high flyers) tries to explain some vital keys to help achieve all that. It is divided into twelve chapters as follows:

  • ·         Idleness is the worst state of human existence; fight it by all means.

  • ·         Desist from actions that make you socially bankrupt; mingle with your peers.

  • ·         Practice the Seemingly impossible acts in your imagination first.

  • ·         Be self Disciplined.

  • ·         Make no little plans: For they have no magic to stir your blood to action.

  • ·         Empty your purse into your head.

  • ·         Seek opportunities not security.

  • ·         Don’t let your scar stop your star from shining.

  • ·         Don’t forget that money flows in the Direction of value.

  • ·         Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.

  • ·         Always be a part of the solution not a part of the problem.

  • ·         Now you are a winner; create other winners too without necessarily exploiting them.

To get a complete access to the book, pay a token of N500 into the following account details:

Bank Name:               Keystone Bank (savings account).
Account Number:        6002591528
Account Name:           Sunday Isaac O.

After carrying out this process, send your full name and email address to (+234) 08039430221. The e-book will be sent to your email as soon as payment is confirmed. For enquiries, send a mail to peaceindex@yahoo.com


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