Friday, 3 October 2014

Road Accident and Safety in Nigeria.

Road Accident and safety in Nigeria


The ordinary use of the term ACCIDENT means an unforeseen and often disastrous event, chance occurrence, usually producing unexpected and unpleasant
consequences. The road traffic accident is therefore an unexpected phenomena that occurs as a result of the use or operation of Vehicles including bicycles and handcarts on the roads.

Safety is concerned with the taking of necessary precautions against bodily Injuries caused by accident either by preventing its occurrence or by mitigating its effects.

Types of Accident

  • ·         By Degree of Severity- Accident here are classified into fatal, serious and Minior injuries. The Categorization allows the computation of various accident indices e.g. Severity Index, Fatality Index and Casualty Index.

    ·         By Type of Collision- This allows a categorization into nose/tail collision, side collision, head-on collision, hit pedestrian and hit animal or obstacle collision.

    ·         By Causes- the causes may be any human (including pedestrians faulty), Mechanical, road and environmental factors.

    By Phases of Crash- This follows categorization into pre-crash phase, crash phase and post crash phase


Causes of Accident in Nigeria
1.   Vehicular Related factors- These occurs as a result of defects traceable to the components of the Vehicle. They are:

·         Tyres- This is when the tyre(s) is over inflated, under inflated, pregnant (bulged out), near peel-off when tyre threads are thoroughly worn out.
·         Vehicle Design- Each vehicle is designed for a specific maximum load, therefore should not be subjected to overloading or else it wears and tears internally and externally.
·         Engine- This is the core of the vehicle. Any failure on a high speed is more likely to cause an accident.
·         Lights- This includes failure of trafficator, reverse and brake lights. Others includes those that are used in the night such as headlights, reflective light, parking lights, etc. Light failure has a tendency to mislead and misinform other road users.

2.   Road Related Factors- These includes
·         Poor/inconsistent design of road (inadequate stopping and overtaking).
·         Poor Sight distances due largely to many bends and curves.
·         Inadequate road traffic complimentary facilities (traffic control devices and signs).
·         Poor maintenance culture producing pot holes and erosion.

3.   Driver Related Factors- These includes:
·         Cutting corners
·         Sleeping and fatigue
·         Faulty trip preparation
·         Over speeding
·         Improper use of brake.
·         Anxiety or worry
·         Wrongful overtaking
·         Ignorance of the Highway code
·         Improper parking
·         Driving under the influence of Alcohol
·         Inability to handle emergencies
·         Poor judgment
·         Bad eye sight
·         Wrong signaling
·         Impatience when driving
·         Overloading

4.   Weather Related Factors- These includes fog, sunrays, mist and heavy rain. However, these are in most cases combined with the driver related factors, they hardly on their own cause accident on the road.
5.  Circumstantial Factor- Circumstances can be responsible for collision/accident in traffic. For example, when two vehicles A and B are involved in an accident due largely to the fault of A while B has done nothing wrong, then B can be said to have been in an accident due to circumstance.

Now, that being said, road accident can be reduced through the following:

1.   Education and Training- Firstly, for a new road user, he/she must go to a driving school to be trained on how to drive properly and make an effective use of the road and must be tested and confirmed by the Vehicle Inspection Officer (VIO) to be a good driver before driving. Secondly, drivers need  to be taught regularly better and safer road behavior and informing them on the meaning of road signs and markings.

2.   Appropriate Road Safety Legislation- This is necessary to provide basis for enforcement and regulation of traffic flow and motorist behaviors.

3.   Harmonizing Land Use and Transport Planning.

4.   Enforcement of Traffic Rules/Regulations.

5.   Accident Data Collection Analysis- This is crucial to problem definition and provision of suitable remedial measures.

6.   Conduction of Road Safety Research- This is crucial for identification of more effective solutions or measures.

7.   Systematic Identification and Treatment of Hazardous Locations- It is also possible to identify hazardous section of the road network so that appropriate remedial measures can be undertaken to reduce the likelihood and severity of accident at those locations.

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