Thursday 2 October 2014

Obtaining a National I.D Card

Getting a National Identity Card

Most people often ask- how do I obtain a National Identity Card? It is very important to have one because most legitimate transactions you make today in Nigeria with Corporate Organizations, Government Agencies and so on ranging from opening a new bank account (local or domiciliary), clearing of imported goods, obtaining international
passports, obtaining driving license, signing of contract agreements and even for security reasons e.t.c need a National Identity Card.

Agency Responsible

The importance of the National Identity Card is enormous, yet easy to obtain. The National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) is an agency of the government of Nigeria saddled with the responsibility of issuing a National Identity Card to Nigerians.

Obtaining the National I.D Card

Like I said, obtaining the National I.D Card is very easy. There are two (2) ways with which you can obtain the I.D card:

·         First, you can do a pre-registration by yourself on the internet by simply logging into the NIMC website at and filling your data after which you will be presented a unique bar-code which you will print out.

Take the Printed bar-code along with you to the NIMC Office which is located in every state capital of Nigeria and the FCT where you will asked a few questions and then you are registered.

Meanwhile, a National Identification Number slip will be given to you pending when the original I.D card will be out (It usually takes about 6 months).

·         Secondly, if you cannot do the pre-registration by yourself, simply walk into any NIMC office with any valid identity card you have (Voters card, Drivers License etc). If you have no valid I.D card, there is no problem, you will still be registered.

At the NIMC office, you will be issued an enrolment form which you are to fill. After filling the form, you will be taken to an NIMC officer who registers your data using the computer system. Your height will be measured, a webcam photo of you will be taken and your fingers will be scanned.

The questions you need to answer on the form includes:

  • ·         What are your names?
  • ·         Have you changed your name before?
  • ·         Where do you live?
  • ·         When and where were you born?
  • ·         Your physical features.
  • ·         Any Physical Challenges?
  • ·         Where are you from?
  • ·         Where is your Father from?
  • ·         Where is your Mother from?
  • ·         Your supporting documents (not compulsory)
  • ·  Your other details e.g. Language, marital status, occupation, religion,    telephone, email address e.t.c.
  • ·         How would you want your I.D Card delivered?
  • ·         Details of your parent.
  • ·         Your next of Kin details.
  • ·         Address of your next of kin.
  • ·         Declaration/attestation
  • ·         Signature/thumb print
  • ·         Date.

After some few minutes, you will be issued a National Identification Number Slip (NINS) containing your picture taken, your name, tracking I.D, National Identity Number address. This, you can use temporarily for legitimate transactions pending the time the original I.D card is ready for collection.

On the 28th of August, 2014, the president of Nigeria, President Goodluck Jonathan launched the new national electronic card which all Nigerians are expected to have before 2019 for voting. This electronic card can be used to make electronic payments like the ATM card. 

The new card shows a person’s photograph, name, age and unique I.D number in which 10 finger prints and an Iris are scanned during enrolment. The project is in partnership with master card, Nigerian Identity Management Commission and Access Bank.

On a Final note, I would advise every Nigerian to register and have a National Identity Card. It is your right.


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