Thursday 5 October 2017

British foreign secretary in hot water again after Libya comment

British foreign secretary in hot water again after Libya comment

Another headache for British Prime Minister Teresa May at the Conservative’s annual conference, and it is Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson again providing it.
The favourite of the party faithful has given a typical barnstorming conference performance this week. Now some typically unguarded comments about Libya have outraged many.

“They’ve got a brilliant vision to turn Sirte into the next – with the help of the municipality of Sirte, to turn it into the next Dubai. The only thing they’ve got to do is clear the dead bodies away, and then they’ll be there,” he said at a side meeting in Manchester. The comment produced laughter at the event, but a storm of criticism once it was made public. Several of his fellow Tory ministers and MPs also voiced disapproval.
He does not operate in a vacuum & is seriously doing an unbelievable amount of reputational damage to the UK. It's not funny.
1/ A list of other countries' press that have picked up, reported, and are horrified at the Foreign Secretary's comments:

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He has been unavailable for comment ever since amid renewed calls for his resignation, and some observers believe this latest gaffe may, if not cost him his job, at least see him put his leadership ambitions on hold.
Teresa May has seen several of her recent public statements, on Brexit for example, contradicted or spun by Johnson but in public at least the pair maintain close-ranked unity, and conference is no place for disagreement among the Conservative leadership.
Teresa May’s conference speech in the wake of the Johnson furore was interrupted by a prankster giving her an imitation P45 unemployment office form

Source: AfricaNews

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