Wednesday 27 September 2017

Iraqi Kurds must give up on independence or go hungry - Erdogan

Soldiers hold Turkish and Iraqi national flag during a joint military exercise near the Turkish-Iraqi border (26 September 2017)
Iraqi soldiers joined Turkish troops for exercises on the Turkish side of the border on Tuesday
Turkey's president has said Iraqi Kurds could go hungry as a result of the punitive measures he is considering after Monday's independence referendum.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused the head of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of "treachery" for holding the vote despite international opposition.
Massoud Barzani should now "give up on this adventure", he said.

Iraq's prime minister meanwhile gave the KRG three days to hand over control of its airports or face an air embargo.
Haider al-Abadi also demanded that all border posts with Turkey, Syria and Iran be placed under Baghdad's supervision, state TV reports.
In a televised address on Tuesday, Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani urged the prime minister "not to close the door to dialogue, because it is dialogue that will solve problems".
But Mr Abadi ruled out negotiations, declaring: "We will not abandon the unity and sovereignty of Iraq."
Electoral officials in Irbil count ballots after the end of an independence referendum in Iraq's Kurdistan Region (25 September 2017)
Some 72% of the 5.2 million people eligible to vote in Kurdish-controlled areas voted
On Monday he said he would not discuss the referendum result because it had been "unconstitutional".
The results have yet to be announced, but Mr Barzani said on Tuesday his voters had chosen independence.
Kurdish leaders have said a "yes" vote will not automatically trigger a declaration of independence, but rather give them a mandate to start negotiations on secession with the central government in Baghdad and with neighbouring countries.

'Sabre-rattling for domestic audience'

By Mark Lowen, Turkey correspondent, BBC News

This was the strongest rhetoric yet from President Erdogan on the Kurdish referendum. He called it a "threat to national security". Once again he threatened military or economic intervention, without elaborating.
Turkey is worried that independence might further Kurdish insurgency here and is concerned for ethnic Turkmen in the city of Kirkuk, which the Kurds want to be part of any future state. But there was a lot for a domestic audience - sabre-rattling to please nationalists at home.
Ankara has built a strong relationship with the Iraqi Kurds through an oil pipeline that feeds the Kurdish economy and Turkey's energy needs. And the authorities in Irbil oppose the PKK Kurdish militant group, allowing Turkish military bases in northern Iraq. Mr Erdogan warned he could close the oil valves in Turkey - but it has not yet happened.
With Turkey's notoriously abrasive president, the oratory sometimes does not actually translate into action.
In a speech on Tuesday, Mr Erdogan said he had expected "until the last moment" that Kurdistan Regional President Massoud Barzani would postpone the vote.
"This referendum decision, which has been taken without any consultation, is treachery," he said.
"If Barzani and the Kurdish Regional Government do not go back on this mistake as soon as possible, they will go down in history with the shame of having dragged the region into an ethnic and sectarian war," he warned.
Turkey fears that the emergence of an independent Kurdish state on its border will stoke separatist feeling in its own Kurdish minority.
Mr Erdogan said Turkey might now impose sanctions to persuade Mr Barzani's administration to "give up on this adventure that can only have a dark end".
"It will be over when we close the oil taps, all [their] revenues will vanish, and they will not be able to find food when our trucks stop going to northern Iraq," he added.
Map showing Iraqi Kurdistan and areas controlled by Kurdish forces
Cross-border trade between the Kurdistan Region and Turkey was worth some $5bn (£3.7bn) in the first six months of 2017, according to Kurdish officials, while hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil flow daily through a pipeline from Kurdish-controlled oil fields to the Mediterranean via Turkish territory.
Iraqi soldiers also joined Turkish troops for military exercises in south-eastern Turkey on Monday, near the border with Iraq.
Iran, which also has a Kurdish minority, banned direct flights to and from the Kurdistan Region on Sunday.
The US earlier said it was "deeply disappointed" that the Kurdistan Region held the referendum, but stressed that their "historic relationship" would not change.
Kurds celebrate on the streets after voting in an independence referendum in Kirkuk, Iraq, on 25 September 2017
Celebrations continued long into the night in the disputed city of Kirkuk
The referendum was held in the three Iraqi provinces that make up the Kurdistan Region, as well as in adjoining disputed areas claimed by the Kurds and the Arab-led central government that are controlled by Kurdish Peshmerga forces.
The Kurdish news agency Rudaw reported that 72% of the 5.2 million Kurds and non-Kurds registered as resident in those areas had voted. Ballots were still being counted on Tuesday, with initial results expected by the end of the day.
Kurds are the fourth-largest ethnic group in the Middle East but they have never obtained a permanent nation state.
In Iraq, where they make up an estimated 15% to 20% of the population of 37 million, Kurds faced decades of repression before acquiring autonomy in 1991.

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