Tuesday 1 August 2017

Uganda's Museveni says he's never been sick in last 31 years

Uganda's Museveni says he's never been sick in last 31 years
Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has disclosed that for the past 31 years he has never been sick let alone to be admitted to a hospital.
His revelation means that since his 42nd birthday he has not been taken ill. It also means that he has been a healthy president since he came to power in 1986 – 31 years ago.
The 73-year-old former soldier said his durable health was due to the observance of health tips, he added that over 70% of registered medical conditions in the country’s health facilities were preventable if people observed basic health tips.

"Most diseases that overwhelm these hospitals and health centres can be prevented if the people can improve on their hygiene and sanitation, because 75 per cent of cases registered are preventable".
He listed among others, vaccination and immunization, sleeping under mosquito treated nets, avoidance of alcohol, good nutrition, hygiene and sanitation as ways of preventing diseases.
He was speaking over the weekend at the launch of a local language version of the Bible. The New Testament Bible in Lugwere was launched at the Budaka Ssaza grounds in the country’s eastern region.
‘‘Have you ever heard that Museveni has fallen sick and my legs hanged in hospital, for the last 31 years? This is because I observe some of these health tips which have eventually helped me to prevent some of these diseases. Many of the diseases are preventable.”
“Most diseases that overwhelm these hospitals and health centres can be prevented if the people can improve on their hygiene and sanitation, because 75 per cent of cases registered are preventable,” Museveni added.

Museveni smarter than Uganda’s entire cabinet

He was recently described by one of his ministers as smarter than his entire cabinet despite his advancement in age. Her comments came at a time when there is a raging debate over presidential term limits.
‘‘For the little time I have worked with the president, I find him, a very informed and tolerant leader. I sit in cabinet every Wednesday, but actually I think he is moire intelligent than cabinet combined, ‘’ Beti Kamya is quoted by the Sunday Vision portal to have said.
From his position of greater intelligence, Kamya who is Minister for Kampala Capital City Authority, added: ‘‘Therefore, you can’t just do away with him.’‘
It is believed that the ruling party is in favour of doing away with presidential term limits to allow the septuagenarian who has been president since 1986 to continue as president beyond his current mandate which ends in 2021.
The government has strongly backed its plans to scrap presidential age limit for candidates despite strong opposition by political parties and civil society organisations.
The age limit for a candidate to stand for president is currently 75 Museveni, who is now 73, will be two years older than the limit by 2021 when the next presidential election is due. He won the last election in 2016, even though opposition have contested the results.

Source: AfricaNews

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