Friday 11 August 2017

Kenya elections body insists it will announce results of presidential polls

Kenya elections body insists it will announce results of presidential polls
The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), Kenya’s elections outfit, says it is on course to announce results for the presidential race as tallied after the August 8 elections.
The IEBC in a statement released on Thursday evening also sought to clarify some of the issues raised by the main opposition National Super Alliance (NASA), who candidate is losing to the incumbent in results released so far.
The elections organizer referred to a court order that clearly spelt out how the elections process should be carried out.

Finally Article 249 of the Constitution stipulates that the Commission is independent and not subject to the control of any person or authority.

‘‘The Court of Appeal in Civil Appeal No 105 of 2017 held that the results of the Presidential Election would be electronically transmitted from the polling stations to the constituency returning officers, who would tally and verify the said results and in compliance with Section 39(1)(c)(a), Elections Act, electronically transmit the results to the Commission at the National Tallying Centre,’‘ the statement read.
The Commission further explained that its duty was to collate the results from the 290 constituency returning officers following which the IEBC Chairperson could declare the result of the Presidential Election.
The Commission said the lawful results of the polls were contained in Form 34B as completed by top officials at the various constituencies. ‘‘The final results of the Presidential Election is that declared by the Chairperson of the Commission being the aggregate of the results announced by the 290 Constituency Returning Officers,’‘ it added.
IEBC’s statement addes that as at Thursday night, it was still receiving results based on the form in question. They also stressed their resolve to abide by the law and to fulfill the pledge of delivering credible polls to the people of Kenya.
They asserted their independence – in a veiled response to the opposition claims of interference, the statement said: ‘‘Finally Article 249 of the Constitution stipulates that the Commission is independent and not subject to the control of any person or authority.’‘
Despite the polls having received high marks from all observer groups in the country, the opposition insist the electronic system had been hacked and results tampered with. The IEBC’s CEO on Wednesday responded that its election management system was secured.
Hours later, the Chairman confirmed an attempted hack which he said was unsuccessful. The opposition who claimed their independent figures showed Raila Odinga in the lead have asked that the 73-year-old be declared winner. Few skirmishes have broken out with four deaths reported so far.

Source: AfricaNews

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