Tuesday 22 August 2017

Angola: Campaigns hit homestretch ahead of general election

Angola: Campaigns hit homestretch ahead of general election
Election campaigns reached homestretch just a few hours ahead of the fourth general election in Angola under the Constitution and election laws.
Angolans go to the polls on 23rd August to choose a new president as incumbent, Eduardo dos Santos, has indicated his intention to step down after 38 years in power. The country will also choose new parliamentarians.
Poor housing, sanitation issues and unemployment remain key issues that the future president will be tasked to address. To most Angolans, this will essentially be a social project.

One resident said: “I think that the new measures that the new president must put in place to end the economic crisis is to bet on the diversification of the economy. The country has suffered enough from the fall in oil prices so we have to move to other sectors that can sustain our economy “
“What I want is for the next president to come up with new ideas, and we want to seethose ideas become realities,” said another.
9 million people will be voting in the polls, with six parties running.
Unemployment, health and education for all, and the high cost of living were all issues that were addressed during the election campaign.
All those being important themes for many Angolans.

Source: AfricaNews

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