Listen to the Psychologists
friend… care for your psyche, and… make it as good as possible… know thyself,
for once we know ourselves, we may learn how to care for ourselves, but
otherwise we never shall. -Socrates
Truth is arrived at by the painstaking process of eliminating the untrue. -Sir Arthur Doyle
· The
interaction of heredity and environment is so extensive that to ask which is
more important, nature or nurture, is like asking which is more important to a
rectangle, height or width. -William Greenough
· The
setting sun, and music at close, as the last taste of sweet, is sweetest last,
writ in remembrance more than things long past. -Williams Shakespeare
· How
the brain organizes and interprets sensory information to give it meaning is a
little miracle that scientists are still trying to solve. -Alice O’ Tools
· The
effective management of human behaviour is jeopardized when we appeal to
feelings and ideas in the explanation of behaviour. In doing so, we neglect
useful environmental contingencies. - B. F. Skinner
come onto the fields and spacious palaces of my memory, where are treasures of
countless images of things of every manner. -St. Augustine
all states of consciousness, none raises more questions than the hypnotic
state. Once associated with the bizarre and the occult, hypnosis has now become
the subject of rigorous scientific investigation. -Ernest Hilgard
without remedy must be without regard -Williams
· Memory
is a central part of the brain’s attempt to make sense of experience and tell
coherent stories about it. Yet our stories are built from many different
ingredients: snippets of what actually happened, thoughts about what might have
happened, and beliefs that guide us as we attempt to remember. -Daniel Schacter
· I
don’t want to be thought as mindless so I changed the name of what I was
studying from mindlessness to mindfulness. -Ellen Langer
thinking skills include the ability to turn things over in your mind, like
trying to make the strange familiar and the familiar strange. -Teresa Amabile
· In
every child who is born, under no matter what circumstances, and of no matter
what parents, the potentiality of the human race is born again. -James Agee
· In
the end, the power behind development is life. -Erik
· No
bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings. -William Blake
for too many women, one deviation in diet can spell the difference between
confidence and despair. -Judith Rodin
cries out to be read differently. -Simon
selves between women and men tend to be constructed differently- women’s more
in relationships, men’s more in denials of self- other connections. -Nancy
· In
learned helplessness, people expect bad events to occur and believe there is
nothing they can do to prevent them from occurring. -Martin Seligman
· Nothing
can be changed until it is faced. -James
· On
balance, mildly inflated self-perceptions are adaptive and characteristic of
mentally healthy people. -Shelly
· Man
is a knot, a web, a mesh into which relationships are tied. -Antoine de st.
· Arguably,
most people would do what they are told to do as long as they perceive that the
command comes from a legitimate authority. -Isaac
· Prejudice
narrows understanding by biasing our judgements and predetermining what will be
discovered from exploring our environment. -James Jones
· A
billion here, a billion there. Pretty soon you are talking about real money. -Everett
capacity to learn, to learn at all, to learn only at a definite stage of
development, to learn one thing rather than another, to learn more or less
quickly, must have some genetic basis. -Julian Huxley
· Conformity
is a powerful force on our behavior and can even at times make us do things that conflict with our attitudes, ethics and morals. -Solomon
· The
question is how can cooperation evolve in a world of egoists. -Robert Axelrod
· When
you can measure what you are speaking about and express it in numbers, you know
something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it
in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind. -William
· Many
couples are united in wedlock in a rosy fog of optimism. Blinded to the
shortcomings, each sees only the good points. But as the excitement of the new
marriage wears off, they drift to the opposite extreme and view these same
traits as faults. -H.
G. Bosch
· Look
to your health and if you have it, value it next to a good conscience… Health
is a blessing we mortals can achieve. -Izaak Walton
· In
becoming a person, individuals drop one after another of their defensive masks
with which they have faced life. -Carl Rogers
· Sleep
plays a major role in preparing the body and brain for an alert, productive,
psychologically and physiologically healthy tomorrow. -James Moas
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