The greatest threat to the
future of the world is religion. Nuclear weapons, terrorism, SARS, shifting
governments, Military Coups, and AIDS are simply tools used by religion. More
wars have been fought in the name of religion than any other influence.
Millions have died over the past 2,000 years under the hand of religious zeal.
Misplaced and misguided religious passion has produced such historical scars as
the crusades, the inquisition, ethnic cleansing and the horror of the
holocaust… I find it ironic that most of the current wars and tensions are
products of, or strongly influenced by, religions.
A brief look at the
Modern, sophisticated, technocratic cyber space-age world of today can be the source
of fear, depression, discouragement, insecurity and uncertainty. From the
archaic world of cave men and bush hunters through the progressive succession
of agrarian cultures, to the advent of the industrial revolution leading to the
scientific age of post-modern and the computer age, we are still no better than
nor different from our ancestors of old.
The only difference seems
to be the sophistication of our tools and weapons. We are smarter but not
wiser; we live longer but not healthier; we have more but enjoy less; we can go
to the moon, but we cannot go home to a good family; we have access to more
information but know less about life; we protect whales but kill our children;
we have more religion but less love; and we blame others for our choices as we
look to ourselves for solutions to the problems we create.
An idea is more powerful
than an Army.
Perhaps the greatest crime
committed in any kingdom or nation, ancient or modern, is the crime of treason.
As a matter of fact, it is the only crime to which there is no question of
receiving the death penalty. It is the ultimate act of betrayal.
If you believe that you
are supposed to follow all the time, then follow on; t world is full of people who
will be more than happy to lead you. If however, you detect the seed of
leadership in you… and commit yourself to follow it, nothing can stop you.
The greatest tragedy in
life is not death: it is life without a purpose. The most important discovery
of life is the discovery of purpose… where purpose is not known, abuse is
We have a tendency to believe
that as long as something is not wrong, it must be right. However, even right
things are wrong if they are done at the wrong time or in a place of some other
right thing that should have been done instead.
Man is the crowning act of
an intentional creator. He exists as God’s co-regent in a world created for
Man wants religion while
God wants a relationship. We are easily impressed by religious rituals
constructed on the foundation of an improper understanding of God’s eternal
In the Garden of Eden,
there were no altars, sacrifices, songs, clapping, dancing, Bibles, hymn books,
sermons or prayers – none of this stuff we call “religion”. There was only
relationship: Adam and Eve walking and talking with God in perfect fellowship
and harmony.
Our greatest enemy today
is neither satan nor sin, because Jesus defeated both at the cross… Our
greatest enemy today is ignorance. The antidote for ignorance is knowledge, so God
sent us His word- His living word in the person of His son.
The Kingdom of God is the
only kingdom in which every citizen is designated a king. The rulership is not
over people, but in a specific area of gifting. This is why Jesus is referred
to as the King of kings.
Our problem is that we
spend so much time telling people how to get into the Kingdom that we rarely
teach them what to do once they get inside… We spend so much time preaching
about the door that we forget all about the palace behind it.
Essentially, the Kingdom
of Heaven does not refer to physical territory. The kingdom of Heaven is a
jurisdiction over which the influence of God has full authority. Therefore, the
kingdom of God is me, then the house I own and occupy is the property of the
Lord of Host.
God’s purpose was to
establish a Kingdom of sons, not subjects… God is indeed a King, but He does
not want subjects. He want sons. He does not want to rule us, but to have a
family who shares His rulership.
God’s kingdom is different
from earthly Kingdom in that it has no subjects. There are no peasants in the
kingdom of God, only sons. In the Kingdom of God, we are not subjects but
members of the royal family… Everyone in God’s kingdom is a prince or princess.
There are no peasants or middle class, and no order of servants. In God’s
kingdom, “everyone” is related to the king.
The message of the Kingdom
of God is the most important news ever delivered to the human race. Jesus came
to earth to announce the arrival of this kingdom and to establish it in people’s
heart through His death and resurrection. As the son of God, Jesus Christ was
the exact likeness of his Father and represented Him perfectly on earth. To all
those who believed in and followed Him, Jesus restored their citizenship rights
in the kingdom of Heaven and imparted His Spirit, so that they could represent
Him and the government of Heaven on earth. This representation is known as
government diplomacy.
If we claim to be living
the kingdom life, we cannot constantly be forming our own little groups to
advance our own opinions to challenge the word of the king. As law, His word is
non-negotiable and immutable. We run into problems every time we try to carry
our democratic mentality into kingdom life.
You may work in an office,
and perhaps your boss comes to you asking you to do something that you know is
not right. It may be unethical or even illegal. What should you do? if you are committed
to kingdom principles, you should respectfully but firmly remind your boss that
although he can make demands of your time and your labor while you are on the
job, he cannot make demands on your character. He may own the paper, the
pencils, the paper chips, the computer, and even the company, but he does not own
you. Stand up for what is right even if it puts your job at risk. Once you sell
your character and integrity for the sake of your job, then your boss will own
you. Remember that you have a deeper image on you and answer to a higher
authority because you belong to another kingdom.
One of God’s biggest
challenges in getting His message of the kingdom to the world is the fact that
we who are His representatives on earth are so slow to understand the message.
Dreams of golden streets and heavenly bliss have blinded us to our
responsibilities on earth. We like to talk about heaven because, for us, it
represents for us our highest goal and because it helps us get our minds off
our problems here in the earth realm when we are busy singing “I’ll fly away, O
glory”, and “when we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be”,
it is easy to forget – for a little while our car trouble, our overdue bills,
the latest rent increase, or the job we just lost”.
Ever since the day of
John, an invasion has been under way. A military takeover is in progress which
no one knows about except those who have been captured. Have you been taken
over? I have been taken over- by the kingdom of Heaven. It has taken over my
heart, mind, soul and body and my entire future. It has taken over my attitude
and made me a dangerous man- to the kingdom of darkness.
Source: Book- "Rediscovering the Kingdom" by Dr Myles Munroe.
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